A shotblasting process in trough shotblasting machines consists in leaning of a product surface with shot.
A basic use of turbine (rotor) shotblasting machines jest is abrasive blasting of grey cast, ductile cast, steel and aluminium casts, precise casts, forged shapes and grating of metal and non-metal products.
A shotblasting process dedicated to given technological processes allows for obtaining varied surface effects.
Shotblasting of a product is performed in order to:
- Mat a surface
- Obtain roughness and remove burrs and flashes
- Clean a product surface
- Clean a surface before painting
- Prepare a product surface for subsequent machining
- Polish a surface
- Remove rust
- Remove old paint coating
- Remove sand from casts
- Remove an oxidised layer after thermal treatment
- Remove scale from the surface of details
- Remove a sinter
- Remove an oxidised layer
- Remove ion pollution – salts, nitrates, sulphates which cause sub-surface corrosion
- Reinforce a product surface (shot peening eliminating tensions)
Rubber belts for turbine (rotor) shotblasting machines with a trough belt are used in the automotive, aircraft, forging and casting industry.
Enitra belts are used in turbine (rotor) machines (in which a belt is called a trough belt due to a special shape of a transport belt. It looks like a trough where products for abrasive blasting are inserted. During treatment, products rotate in a trough belt loop under the constant influence of an abrasive blasting stream. The belt makes details rotate, enabling shotblasting of all the product parts at single loading.
After finishing a treatment cycle, a belt starts moving in the opposite direction and a batch is ejected from the machine.
ENTRA Company offers a few series of types of rubber belts dedicated to shotblasting.
- Surface covers of our belts are characteristic for high resistance to wearing and flexibility enabling “grain bouncing” and operation along a trough line.
- Polyamide and polyester spacers are woven for maintaining rigidity and extra rigidity at reverse movement during finished product unloading.
- Frictional covers have excellent adhesiveness ensuring optimal frictional coupling during shotblasting.
- We equip belts with 4 types of dogs with a semi-circle, trapezium and triangular section and guide hot-vulcanised wedges for a belt according to 10-47 model.
- We make perforations according to the Client’s requirements.

Enitra supplies transport belts supplementing technological automatic and semi-automatic lines of product feeding and collecting.